・Purse hanging charm-- a small electronic calculator for daily use, which is very suitable for students use.
・Small calculator keyring-- the mini calculator is comfortable to hold and can be grasped with one hand, which is convenient and practical. mini calculator pendant
・Mini computer-- with general computing power, this small calculator can fully satisfy your daily use.
・Personalized keychain-- with general computing power, this mini calculator can fully satisfy your daily use.
・Mini-- a mini electronic calculator for daily use, which is very suitable for students use.
説明: Package List
12 x Mini Calculator pendants
-Note: The style of this product is random animal keyring
-Material: Plastic, LCD purple keychain backpack keychain wallet keychain key holder for purse purse keychain Mini Calculator Keyring Bear Keyring animal keyring personalized keychains novelty keychain Backpack Hanging Decor Keychain Mini Calculator purple
-Size: 9.50X6.50X1.00cm/3.73X2.55X0 Calculator for .
-Color: Mixed Color Mini Electronic Calculator
-LCD screen and convenient press keypads make the mini calculator is easy to use Cartoon Calculator Keychain.
-Made of plastic material, it is durable and can be used for a long time desktop calculator.
-This calculator includes functions for basic four arithmetic operation, reposition and percentage Pocket Mini Calculator.
-Small size and lightweight, easy to carry and use, and will not take up too much space Bear Shaped Calculator.
-Pocket LCD digital calculator with keychain. You can it together with your keys Pocket Calculator Keychain.
Goods Information
Bear Shaped Calculator It can provide a good convenience for you to calculate those complex numbers.wallet key holder With portable design and easy to use, it is suitable for home and office use. stationery The product is a mini calculator which made from plastic material for durable and long-lasting use
カテゴリー: 電卓
高さ: 12.0 センチ
幅: 14.0 センチ
奥行: 25.0 センチ
重量: 0.3 Kg
残り 1 点 12160.00円
(70 ポイント還元!)
翌日お届け可(営業日のみ) ※一部地域を除く
お届け日: 発送日目安は1~2日後 (明日12:00のご注文まで)
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